Friday, April 10, 2009

Our May Meeting

The next Yarn Mavens meet up will be on May 16th from 1 to 4pm at the Doubletree Inn Coffeeshop in Bakersfield. Food service shuts down from 2 until 4, so plan accordingly.

Suzanne has promised a surprise of some sort for us. Hmmm..... it's certainly got me curious! I can hardly wait to find out what's up. See you then!
Update! Dee Dee King/weaverlyone from Squaw Valley will give us a presentation on her experiences weaving, spinning and knitting. She has worked with fiber her whole life, and especially loves weaving. Dee Dee and Sandy/sandyspinslace both came from Squaw Valley to the Dulitz Tree Farm event this month. Her presentation is sure to be interesting. See you then!

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